In attesa del grande evento del 25 agosto, vi presentiamo i vincitori dei premi “secondari” degli Emmy.
Si è svolta questa notte al Nokia Theatre di Los Angeles la cerimonia dei Creative Arts Emmy Awards, i premi dedicati ai membri della produzione “dietro le quinte” e varie categorie minori. Le nomination, presentate il 10 luglio, ve le avevamo elencate qui, ora possiamo annunciarvi i vincitori di tutte le categorie (escludendo quelle riservate solamente a reality, variety e documentari).
Le tre serie/film che si portano a casa più premi sono True Detective, Sherlock: His Last Vow e Game of Thrones, con 4 Emmy a testa. A seguire, con 3 vittorie, Orange Is the New Black.
Miglior fotografia per una serie single-camera:
- True Detective (Who Goes There) — Adam Arkapaw
- Breaking Bad (Granite State) — Michael Slovis
- Game of Thrones (The Lion And The Rose) — Anette Haellmigk
- Game of Thrones (Two Swords) — Jonathan Freeman
- Homeland (The Star) — David Klein
- House of Cards (Chapter 18) — Igor Martinovic
Miglior fotografia per una serie multi-camera:
- How I Met Your Mother (Daisy) — Christian La Fountaine
- 2 Broke Girls (And The Near Death Expeirence) — Christian La Fountaine
- Last Man Standing (Eve’s Boyfriend) — Donald A. Morgan
- Mike & Molly (Weekend At Peggy’s) — Gary Baum
- The Exes (When Haskell Met Sammy) — George Mooradian
Miglior fotografia per una miniserie o film televisivo:
- Sherlock: His Last Vow — Neville Kidd
- Fargo (Buridan’s Ass) — Dana Gonzales
- Fargo (The Crocodile’s Dilemma) — Matt Lloyd
- Fleming: The Man Who Would Be Bond (Episode 1) — Edward Wild
- Killing Kennedy — Stephen St. John
- The Normal Heart — Danny Moder
Miglior attore guest star in una serie drammatica:
- Joe Morton — Scandal (Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner)
- Paul Giamatti — Downton Abbey (Episode Eight)
- Reg E. Cathey — House of Cards (Chapter 22)
- Robert Morse — Mad Men (Waterloo)
- Beau Bridges — Masters of Sex (Manhigh)
- Dylan Baker — The Good Wife (Tying the Knot)
Miglior attrice guest star in una serie drammatica:
- Allison Janney — Masters of Sex (Brave New World)
- Diana Rigg — Game of Thrones (The Lion and the Rose)
- Kate Mara — House of Cards (Chapter 14)
- Kate Burton — Scandal (A Door Marked Exit)
- Margo Martindale — The Americans (Behind the Red Door)
- Jane Fonda — The Newsroom (Red Team III)
Miglior attore guest star in una serie commedia:
- Jimmy Fallon — Saturday Night Live (Host: Jimmy Fallon)
- Nathan Lane — Modern Family (The Wedding, Part 2)
- Steve Buscemi — Portlandia (Celery)
- Louis C.K. — Saturday Night Live (Host: Louis C.K.)
- Bob Newhart — The Big Bang Theory (The Proton Transmogrification)
- Gary Cole — Veep (Crate)
Miglior attrice guest star in una serie commedia:
- Uzo Aduba — Orange Is The New Black (Lesbian Request Denied)
- Natasha Lyonne — Orange Is The New Black (WAC Pack)
- Laverne Cox — Orange Is The New Black (Lesbian Request Denied)
- Tina Fey — Saturday Night Live (Host: Tina Fey)
- Melissa McCarthy — Saturday Night Live (Host: Melissa McCarthy)
- Joan Cusack — Shameless (Liver, I Hardly Know Her)
Miglior design di una sigla:
- True Detective — Patrick Clair; Raoul Marks; Jennifer Sofio Hall
- Black Sails — Karen Fong; Michelle Dougherty; Alan Williams; Kris Kuksi
- COSMOS: A SpaceTime Odyssey — Curtis Doss; Shaun Collings; Randall Smith; Tom Connors
- Masters Of Sex — Leanne Dare; Yi-Jen Liu; Jon Forsman; Gabriel Britz
- Silicon Valley — Garson Yu; Mehmet Kizilay
Migliori effetti speciali visivi:
- Game Of Thrones (The Children) — Joe Bauer; Joern Grosshans; Steve Kullback; Adam Chazen; Eric Carney; Sabrina Gerhardt; Matthew Rouleau; Thomas H. Schelesny; Robert Simon
- Almost Human (Pilot) — Jay Worth; Robert Habros; Curtis Krick; Steve Melchiorre; Michael Cliett; Christopher Lance; David Beedon; Adam Stern; Jared Jones
- COSMOS: A SpaceTime Odyssey (The Immortals) — Rainer Gombos; Addie Manis; Natasha Francis; Luke McDonald; Sam Edwards; Michael Maher; Dominic Vidal; Ryan Tudhope; Ergin Kuke
- Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (T.A.H.I.T.I.) — Mark Kolpack; Gary D’Amico; Sabrina M. Arnold; Tracy Takahashi; Jonathan Tanimoto; Kevin Lingenfelser; Matt Von Brock; Thomas Mahoney; Mitch Gates
- The 100 (We Are Grounders, Part 2) — Andrew Orloff; Michael Cliett; Tyler Weiss; Kornel Farkas; Chris Pounds; Andrew Bain; Mike Rhone
Migliori effetti speciali visivi di supporto:
- Black Sails (I.) — Erik Henry; Paul Graff; George Murphy; Annemarie Griggs; Mitch Claspy; Jeremy Hattingh; Doug Hardy; Nick Hsieh; Steve Messing
- Da Vinci’s Demons (The Sins of Daedalus) — Tom Horton; Nicky Walsh; Paul Simpson; Gavin Gregory; Simon A. Mills; Louis Dunlevy; Paul Round; Stefan Susemihl; Alex Snookes
- Hawaii Five-0 (Ho’onani Makuakane) — Armen V. Kevorkian; Alexander G. Soltes; John Hartigan; Jane Sharvina; Rick Ramirez; Dan Lopez; Steve Graves; Andranik Taranyan; Chad Schott
- Mob City (A Guy Walks Into a Bar) — Jason Maxwell Sperling; Richard E. Cordobes; Michael Joseph Morreale; Michael Enriquez; Valeri Ann Pfahning; William L. Arance; Megan Ellen Omi; Diego Galtieri; Franco Leng
- The Walking Dead (30 Days Without An Accident) — Victor Scalise; Darrell Dean Pritchett; Matt Robken; Gary Romey; Martin Hilke; Diego Galtieri; Michael Cook; William L. Arance; Dylen Velasquez
- Vikings (Invasion) — Dominic Remane; Dennis Berardi; Michael Borrett; Bill Halliday; Ovidiu Cinazan; Jim Maxwell
Miglior casting per una serie drammatica:
- True Detective — Alexa L. Fogel; Christine Kromer; Meagan Lewis
- Breaking Bad — Sharon Bialy; Sherry Thomas; Kiira Arai
- Game of Thrones — Nina Gold; Robert Sterne
- House of Cards — Laray Mayfield; Julie Schubert
- The Good Wife — Mark Saks
Miglior casting per una serie commedia:
- Orange Is The New Black — Jennifer Euston
- Louie — Gayle Keller
- Modern Family — Jeff Greenberg
- Nurse Jackie — Julie Tucker; Ross Meyerson
- Veep — Allison Jones; Pat Moran; Meredith Tucker
Miglior casting per una miniserie o film televisivo:
- Fargo — Rachel Tenner; Jackie Lind
- American Horror Story: Coven — Robert J. Ulrich; Eric Dawson; Meagan Lewis
- Sherlock: His Last Vow — Julia Duff; Kate Rhodes James
- The Normal Heart — Amanda Mackey; Cathy Sandrich Gelfond
- Treme — Alexa L. Fogel; Meagan Lewis
Miglior composizione musicale per una serie televisiva:
- COSMOS: A SpaceTime Odyssey (Standing Up in the Milky Way) — Alan Silvestri
- Downton Abbey (Episode Eight) — John Lunn
- Game of Thrones (The Mountain and the Viper) — Ramin Djawadi
- House of Cards (Chapter 26) — Jeff Beal
- True Detective (Form and Void) — T Bone Burnett
Miglior composizione musicale per una miniserie, film televisivo o speciale televisivo:
- Sherlock: His Last Vow — David Arnold; Michael Price
- American Horror Story: Coven (The Seven Wonders) — James Levine
- Clear History — Ludovic Bource
- Fargo (The Crocodile’s Dilemma) — Jeff Russo
- Herblock: The Black & The White — Rob Mathes
- The White Queen (The Final Battle) — John Lunn
Miglior tema musicale originale di una sigla:
- COSMOS: A SpaceTime Odyssey — Alan Silvestri
- Black Sails — Julian Bear McCreary
- Magic City — Daniele Luppi
- Sleepy Hollow — Brian Tyler; Robert Grant Lydecker
- The Spoils Of Babylon — Andrew Feltenstein; John Nau
Miglior montaggio video per una serie drammatica single-camera:
- Breaking Bad (Felina) — Skip MacDonald
- Breaking Bad (To’hajiilee) — Kelley Dixon
- Breaking Bad (Granite State) — Kelley Dixon; Chris McCaleb
- House of Cards (Chapter 14) — Byron Smith
- True Detective (Who Goes There) — Affonso Goncalves
Miglior montaggio video per una serie commedia single-camera:
- Orange Is The New Black (Tit Punch) — William Turro
- Modern Family (Vegas) — Ryan Case
- Orange Is The New Black (Can’t Fix Crazy) — Michael S. Stern
- Orange Is The New Black (Tall Men with Feelings) — Shannon Mary Mitchell
- Portlandia (Getting Away) — Bill Benz; Daniel Gray Longino
Miglior montaggio video per una serie commedia multi-camera:
- The Big Bang Theory (The Cooper Extraction) — Peter Chakos
- How I Met Your Mother (Gary Blauman) — Sue Federman
- Jimmy Kimmel Live (Behind The Scandelabra) — James Crowe; Jason Bielski; Brian Marsh; Kevin McCullough; Matt Williams
- The Colbert Report (Episode 9115) — Christein Aromando; Jason Baker
- The Daily Show With Jon Stewart (Episode 19006) — Robert York; Eric Davies; Graham Frazier; Daric Schlesselman
Miglior montaggio video per una miniserie o film televisivo single-camera:
- Sherlock: His Last Vow — Yan Miles
- Fargo (The Rooster Prince) — Bridget Durnford
- Fargo (Buridan’s Ass) — Regis Kimble
- Fargo (The Crocodile’s Dilemma) — Skip MacDonald
- The Normal Heart — Adam Penn
Miglior montaggio audio per una serie televisiva:
- Black Sails (I.) — Benjamin Cook; Iain Eyre; Sue Cahill; Jeffrey A. Pitts; Tim Tuchrello; Brett Voss; Michael Baber; Jeffrey Wilhoit; James ‘Jimmy’ Moriana
- Boardwalk Empire (White Horse Pike) — Fred Rosenberg; Roland Vajs; Bill Orrico; Annette Kudrack; Ruy Garcia; Jeffrey Stern; Steve Visscher; Marko Costanzo
- Breaking Bad (Felina) — Nick Forshager; Kathryn Madsen; Jason Tregoe Newman; Mark Cookson; Cormac Funge; Jane Boegel; Jeff Cranford; Tim Boggs; Gregg Barbanell; Dominique Decaudian
- Game of Thrones (The Watchers On The Wall) — Tim Kimmel; Jed M. Dodge; Tim Hands; Paula Fairfield; David Klotz; Bradley C. Katona; Brett Voss; Jeffrey Wilhoit; Dylan T. Wilhoit
- The Walking Dead (Too Far Gone) — Jerry Ross; Michael Baber; Tim Farrell; Lou Thomas; Clayton Weber
Miglior montaggio audio per una miniserie, film televisivo o speciale televisivo:
- Sherlock: His Last Vow — Doug Sinclair; Stuart McCowan; Jon Joyce; Paul McFadden; Sue Harding
- American Horror Story: Coven (Fearful Pranks Ensue) — Gary Megregian; David Klotz; Timothy A. Cleveland; Paul Diller; Brian Thomas Nist; Steve M. Stuhr; Lance Wiseman; Noel Vought
- Bonnie & Clyde (Night Two) — Robert L. Sephton; Pembrooke Andrews; Joanie Diener; Chato Hill; Robert Guastini; Mike Pipgras; Anita Cannella; Amy Kane
- Fargo (The Crocodile’s Dilemma) — Frank Laratta; Kevin Buchholz; John Peccatiello; Skye Lewin; Jason Lawrence; Brent Planiden; Adam DeCoster; Andrew Morgado
- Klondike (Part 1) — Lee Walpole; Frank Laratta; Iain Eyre; Andy Kennedy; Jason Lawrence
- Mob City (Oxpecker & Stay Down) — Matthew E. Taylor; Rickley Dumm; Tim Farrell; Jason King; Lou Thomas; Joseph Tsai; Alyson Dee Moore; John Roesch
Miglior missaggio per una serie drammatica o commedia (episodi di un’ora):
- House of Cards (Chapter 14) — Lorenzo Millan; Nathan Nance; Scott R. Lewis
- Breaking Bad (Felina) — Darryl L. Frank; Jeffrey Perkins; Eric Justen
- Downton Abbey (Episode Eight) — Alistair Crocker; Nigel Heath; Alex Fielding
- Game of Thrones (The Watchers On The Wall) — Ronan Hill; Richard Dyer; Onnalee Blank; Mathew Waters
- Homeland (Good Night) — Larry Long; Nello Torri; Alan Decker; Larold Rebhun
Miglior missaggio per una serie drammatica o commedia (episodi di mezz’ora) e d’animazione:
- Nurse Jackie (The Lady With The Lamp) — Jan McLaughlin; Peter Waggoner
- Californication (Kickoff) — Daniel Church; Todd Grace; Edward C. Carr
- Modern Family (The Wedding, Part 1) — Stephen A. Tibbo; Dean Okrand; Brian R. Harman
- The Simpsons (Married To The Blob) — Mark Linden; Tara A. Paul
- Veep (Detroit) — Bill MacPherson; Richard Davey
Miglior missaggio per una miniserie o film televisivo:
- Treme (Sunset On Louisianne) — Bruce Litecky; Andy Kris; Blake Leyh
- American Horror Story: Coven (Fearful Pranks Ensue) — Bruce Litecky; Joe Earle; Doug Andham
- Fargo (The Crocodile’s Dilemma) — Mike Playfair; David Raines; Mark Server; Chris Philp
- Killing Kennedy — William Britt; Mark Linden; Tara Paul
- Sherlock: His Last Vow — John Mooney; Howard Bargroff; Doug Sinclair; Peter Gleaves
Miglior direzione artistica per una serie single-camera contemporanea o di fantasia:
- Game of Thrones (The Laws of Gods and Men; The Mountain and the Viper) — Deborah Riley; Paul Ghirardani; Rob Cameron
- House of Cards (Chapter 18; Chapter 24) — Steve Arnold; Halina Gebarowicz; Tiffany Zappulla
- Justified (The Toll) — Dave Blass; Oana Bogdan; Shauna Aronson
- True Blood (At Last; Fuck the Pain Away; In the Evening) — Suzuki Ingerslev; Cat Smith; Ron V. Franco
- True Detective (Form and Void; The Locked Room; Seeing Things) — Alex DiGerlando; Mara LePere-Schloop; Tim Beach; Cynthia Slagter
Miglior direzione artistica per una serie single-camera storica, miniserie o film televisivo:
- Boardwalk Empire (Erlkönig; The Old Ship of Zion; Farewell Daddy Blues) — Bill Groom; Adam Scher; Carol Silverman
- American Horror Story: Coven — Mark Worthington; Andrew Murdock; Ellen Brill
- Downton Abbey (Episode Eight) — Donal Woods; Mark Kebby; Gina Cromwell
- Mad Men (Time Zone) — Dan Bishop; Shanna Starzyk; Claudette Didul
- Masters Of Sex (Pilot) — Andrew Jackness; Kevin Rupnik; Ellen Christiansen
Miglior direzione artistica per una serie contemporanea (episodi di mezz’ora):
- House Of Lies (Wreckage; Middlegame; Zhang) — Ray Yamagata; Chikako Suzuki; Tim Stepeck
- Modern Family (Las Vegas) — Claire Bennett; Sam Kramer; Brian Kasch
- Silicon Valley (Articles of Incorporation; Signaling Risk; Optimal Tip-to-Tip Efficiency) — Richard Toyon; L.J. Houdyshell; Cynthia Slagter
- The Big Bang Theory (The Hofstadter Insufficiency; The Locomotive Manipulation; The Proton Transmogrification) — John Shaffner; Francoise Cherry-Cohen; Ann Shea
- Veep (Clovis; Detroit; Special Relationship) — Jim Gloster; Sharon Davis; Jennifer Engel
Migliori costumi per una serie televisiva:
- Game Of Thrones (The Lion And The Rose) — Michele Clapton; Sheena Wichary; Alexander Fordham; Nina Ayres
- Boardwalk Empire (New York Sour) — John Dunn; Lisa Padovani; Joseph La Corte
- Downton Abbey (Episode Eight) — Caroline McCall; Heather Leat; Poli Kyriacou
- Mad Men (Time Zones) — Janie Bryant; Tiffany White Stanton; Stacy Horn
- Once Upon A Time (A Curious Thing) — Eduardo Castro; Monique McRae
Migliori costumi per una miniserie, film televisivo o speciale televisivo:
- American Horror Story: Coven (Bitchcraft) — Lou Eyrich; Elizabeth Macey; Ken Van Duyne
- House Of Versace — Clair Nadon; Nicole Magny
- Sherlock: His Last Vow — Sarah Arthur; Ceri Walford
- The Normal Heart — Daniel Orlandi; Gail A. Fitzgibbons; Supervisor
Hartsell Taylor; Maria Tortu - The White Queen (The Prince Of Power) — Nic Ede; Raissa Hans; Elizabeth Healy
Migliori acconciature per una serie single-camera:
- Downton Abbey (Episode Eight) — Magi Vaughan; Adam James Phillips
- Boardwalk Empire (William Wilson) — Francesca Paris; Lisa Dellechiaie; Therese Ducey
- Game of Thrones (The Lion And The Rose) — Kevin Alexander; Candice Banks; Rosalia Culora; Gary Machin; Nicola Mount
- Mad Men (The Runaways) — Theraesa Rivers; Arturo Rojas; Valerie Jackson; Ai Nakata
Migliori acconciature per una miniserie o film televisivo:
- American Horror Story: Coven — Monte C. Haught; Michelle Ceglia; Yolanda Mercadel; Daina Daigle
- Bonnie & Clyde — Audrey Anzures; Catherine Childers
- Mob City (A Guy Walks Into a Bar) — Nina Marie Paskowitz; Michael Moore
- The Normal Heart — Chris Clark; Joe Whitmeyer; Valerie Gladstone; Frida Ardottir; Lyndell Quiyou
- The White Queen (Long Live The King) — Karen Bryan-Dawson; Kate Starr; Julie Kendrick; Louise Coles
Miglior trucco non prostetico per una serie single-camera:
- True Detective (The Secret Fate of All Life) — Felicity Bowring; Wendy Bell; Ann Pala; Kim Perrodin; Linda Dowds
- Boardwalk Empire (New York Soul) — Michele Paris; Steven Lawrence; Anette Lian-Williams
- Breaking Bad (Ozymandias) — Tarra Day; Corey Welk
- Game of Thrones (Oathkeeper) — Jane Walker; Ann McEwan
- Mad Men (The Runaways) — Lana Horochowski; Ron Pipes; Ken Neiderbaumer; Maurine Burke; Jen Greenberg
Miglior trucco non prostetico per una miniserie o film televisivo:
- The Normal Heart — Eryn Krueger Mekash; Sherri Berman Laurence; Nicky Pattison; LuAnn Claps; Mike Mekash; Carla White
- American Horror Story: Coven — Eryn Krueger Mekash; Kim Ayers; Vicki Vacca; Mike Mekash; Christopher Nelson; Lucy O’Reilly
- Anna Nicole — Todd McIntosh; David De Leon; Amber Crowe
- Bonnie & Clyde — Trefor Proud; Karri Farris
- Fargo — Gail Kennedy; Joanne Preece; Gunther Schetterer; Keith Sayer
Miglior trucco prostetico per una serie, miniserie, film televisivo o speciale televisivo:
- Game of Thrones (The Children) — Jane Walker; Barrie Gower
- American Horror Story: Coven — Eryn Krueger Mekash; Mike Mekash; Christien Tinsley; Jason Hamer; Christopher Nelson; David L. Anderson; Cristina Patterson; Rob Freitas
- Anna Nicole — Todd McIntosh; David De Leon; Greg Cannom
- Boardwalk Empire (William Wilson) — Michele Paris; Steven Lawrence
- Breaking Bad (Felina) — Tarra Day; Steve LaPorte; Greg Nicotero; Stephan Dupuis; Howard Leigh Berger
- The Normal Heart — Eryn Krueger Mekash; Sherri Berman Laurence; Christien Tinsley; Mary Anne Spano; James Sarzotti; Nicky Pattison
Miglior coordinamento stunt per una serie drammatica, miniserie o film televisivo:
- The Blacklist — Cort L. Hessler III
- Game of Thrones — Paul Herbert
- Grimm — Matt Taylor
- Hawaii Five-0 — Jeff Cadiente
- Revolution — Jeff Wolfe
- True Blood — Hiro Koda
Miglior coordinamento stunt per una serie commedia o varietà:
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine — Norman Howell
- Community — Casey Charles O’Neill
- It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia — Marc Scizak
- Sam & Cat — Vince Deadrick
- Shameless — Julie Michaels
Miglior programma d’animazione:
- Bob’s Burgers
- Archer
- Futurama
- South Park
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Manhattan Project